Yesterday, I had a great idea, but as usual I was in the middle of something important and didn’t take the time to write it down. I don’t remember what it was, now. It happens all the time, I will come up with a great topic when I have no time to write – inevitably I will get distracted and I will forget to write it down and it will be lost forever. I wonder how many wonderful ideas, how many incredible moments will be lost in 2010? If you have children, you’ll surely recognize this example:
“Mom! MOM! Come look!”
“Okay, in a second, I just need to finish this up.”
Two minutes later:
“Mom! Now, or you’ll miss it.”
“Right, right I’m coming.”
Two more minutes pass:
And, finally I head to where my daughter is standing.
“You missed it. The sunset was so cool; it was like God was raining light all over the hills and the skies were on fire.”
Not too many Sunday’s ago, my pastor did a teaching and he used a phrase I’d not heard before, “He’s so heavenly minded, he’s no earthly good.” Only, he pointed out that we’re mostly so earthly minded we’re often no heavenly good. Those times we let slip away - the breakthrough idea, the moment of epiphany when we intrinsically understand, when our children, our husbands, our wives our loved ones beg us to join them, when God gives us a glimpse of something more than this tired old world - are the times that should be a balm to our being. More often than not, we’re so earthly bound we miss them. We’re so earthly minded we’re not even earthly good.
When I’m coming home from Leesburg, there is a view that never ceases to take my breath away and fills me with utter joy. No matter what my mood, I smile and say, “Lord, thank you for allowing me to live in one of the most beautiful places You ever created.” – unless I forget to look. I don’t forget, often – and I do have a second chance because there is another vista that fills me with the same happiness just after I pass through Hillsboro – unless I forget, again. But wait, there’s more! I’ve a third chance, when I turn down the little dirt road to my house. I’ve driven home and forgotten three times to take a moment and fill myself with joy. Who does that? Who says, “Yeah thanks but I’m good with being just ok today. I don’t need a moment of joy to brighten my life.” No one. But, even knowing it is there for the taking, I can get so caught up with earthly thoughts, the bills, the kids, the thing I forgot to pick up at the store, needing to go potty with a Sunday driver going 15 miles under the speed limit in front of me and I’m still 10 minutes away from home that I forget to take that little slice of joy that God has provided me with. If I can pass up moments I know are there for the taking, how in the world am I going to find those bonus moments?
One of my favorite Bible verses: Matthew 13:15
15For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.'
Jesus was talking about the people of His time, but the people of our time are not so very different. He goes on to say,
16But blessed are your eyes because they see,
and your ears because they hear.
17For I tell you the truth, many prophets and
righteous men longed to see what you see
but did not see it,
and to hear what you hear
but did not hear it.
We allow our earthly problems to callous our hearts; we’re tough because the world is a tough place. Blinders limit our sight and cotton muffles our ears, because our world abounds with so much horrific evil and we don’t want to see or hear it. But, times haven’t changed – the world Jesus grew up in had equal evil. I used to wonder, why was it that these men that followed Jesus could see and hear while many prophets and righteous men could not – they obviously wanted to but could not. How could it be that those who were constantly seeking the face of God were blind to Him? Maybe they were so heavenly minded they weren’t even any heavenly good? Maybe they were just looking in the wrong places? Jesus and his apostles did not sit comfortably in well kept temples – they were in the world amid all the evil – they did not shield themselves from it.
We’re often told to stop and smell the roses. But, I don’t think it’s good enough to wait until you happen to stumble upon a rose bush along the wayside. You need to seek out a garden, or two, or four or more, and that’s a whole lot harder to do when you hobble yourself with blinders and cotton. I have gardens tucked all around me. I seek out God’s face, His hands, His breath, His smile as often as I can, and I always find Him. But, it’s those times when I’m not actively looking, those moments that often start with “MMOOOMMMMYYY!” Instead of thinking, “Good grief, what can she want now?” I go seek her out, often, that’s when He finds me and, I’m both earthly and Heavenly good, thank God.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Celebrating Santamas
Ho, ho, hum – bah humbug. Lately, people (read adults) are having a harder and harder time getting into the Christmas spirit. And, it’s not just the economy, dummy. It’s been this way for years. I know grown men, longing for that cocaine like first high, that expectant manic feeling that slowly builds as THE DAY looms closer and closer. But, it’s not there anymore. This season I find myself asking, why. I don’t remember exactly when my enthusiasm for Christmas began to wane. It seems to have crept up on me, but I want it back.
It lasts too long
In years past, I used to groan after Halloween had passed us by, because sure enough on November 1 the isles were empty of Halloween candy and Christmas was in full force, by the time December 25th showed up on the calendar, I was burned out. That’s even truer for today; I think I saw the first Christmas displays shortly after Labor Day this year. It’s even affecting my children – my 12 year old said to me this year, “Geez, it’s not even Halloween and they have the Christmas stuff out, already.” Not long after that, the “Holiday” music started and it truly annoyed me; so much so I deleted channels from my radio presets.
The comparison game
So, what did you get for Christmas? Was Santa good to you? I dreaded those questions as a kid. “Winter” break would be over and back to school we’d trudge – and all the joy of the last two weeks drained out of my toes that day I’d board the bus. Growing up in the excessive 80’s in a fairly affluent area in a not so affluent household was tough. I didn’t get the expensive Jordache jeans, or the Papagallo purse with a dozen covers, or the polo shirts with the alligator and my button downs didn’t have a “fag tag.” My jeans were Levi’s, my purse was a knock off and I embroidered an alligator of my own – upside down, of course. I fully supported a burgeoning cause of the era, “Save an alligator, kill a preppy!” In the 80’s the line of the "haves" and "have nots" was sharply drawn; a lot like today. What I don’t remember of that time is the altruistic outpouring of help that has marked the last two years of this decade. What I do remember about the time is feeling very defensive of my parents. On Christmas morning, what they bought for me was always great – but by my classmates standards, not so much.
But, by far I think the number one reason I no longer get excited about Christmas:
The total Santafication of a Religious day
Watch TV for any amount of time and you’ll learn that the reason we give gifts to each other is to buy love. You might laugh, but seriously that’s what Madison Ave. would have you think. So much so, I abhor watching TV at the moment. The day Christians celebrate has been completely overshadowed by Santa. In the past I was amused when people would intone, “Remember the reason for the season” or “Let’s put “Christ” back in “Christmas”.” Whole communities get up in arms about displaying nativities, well folks – Christmas used to be the day Christians celebrated the birth of the greatest gift God gave the world, his Son. It’s not Santamas. We used to give gifts to one another to honor God, as a small token in remembrance of His gift to us. How is it that one of the most Holy of all Christian celebrations has become 90% secular? It’s truly depressing to see this day stolen from us; it is soul shattering to realize that over the years, Christians allowed it.
Most scholars agree that Christ wasn’t born in December, so perhaps it is time we had Christmas in July and leave Santamas to the world.
It lasts too long
In years past, I used to groan after Halloween had passed us by, because sure enough on November 1 the isles were empty of Halloween candy and Christmas was in full force, by the time December 25th showed up on the calendar, I was burned out. That’s even truer for today; I think I saw the first Christmas displays shortly after Labor Day this year. It’s even affecting my children – my 12 year old said to me this year, “Geez, it’s not even Halloween and they have the Christmas stuff out, already.” Not long after that, the “Holiday” music started and it truly annoyed me; so much so I deleted channels from my radio presets.
The comparison game
So, what did you get for Christmas? Was Santa good to you? I dreaded those questions as a kid. “Winter” break would be over and back to school we’d trudge – and all the joy of the last two weeks drained out of my toes that day I’d board the bus. Growing up in the excessive 80’s in a fairly affluent area in a not so affluent household was tough. I didn’t get the expensive Jordache jeans, or the Papagallo purse with a dozen covers, or the polo shirts with the alligator and my button downs didn’t have a “fag tag.” My jeans were Levi’s, my purse was a knock off and I embroidered an alligator of my own – upside down, of course. I fully supported a burgeoning cause of the era, “Save an alligator, kill a preppy!” In the 80’s the line of the "haves" and "have nots" was sharply drawn; a lot like today. What I don’t remember of that time is the altruistic outpouring of help that has marked the last two years of this decade. What I do remember about the time is feeling very defensive of my parents. On Christmas morning, what they bought for me was always great – but by my classmates standards, not so much.
But, by far I think the number one reason I no longer get excited about Christmas:
The total Santafication of a Religious day
Watch TV for any amount of time and you’ll learn that the reason we give gifts to each other is to buy love. You might laugh, but seriously that’s what Madison Ave. would have you think. So much so, I abhor watching TV at the moment. The day Christians celebrate has been completely overshadowed by Santa. In the past I was amused when people would intone, “Remember the reason for the season” or “Let’s put “Christ” back in “Christmas”.” Whole communities get up in arms about displaying nativities, well folks – Christmas used to be the day Christians celebrated the birth of the greatest gift God gave the world, his Son. It’s not Santamas. We used to give gifts to one another to honor God, as a small token in remembrance of His gift to us. How is it that one of the most Holy of all Christian celebrations has become 90% secular? It’s truly depressing to see this day stolen from us; it is soul shattering to realize that over the years, Christians allowed it.
Most scholars agree that Christ wasn’t born in December, so perhaps it is time we had Christmas in July and leave Santamas to the world.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Milk Teeth
I mentioned before that despite my numerous attempts to the contrary, God protected me, for the most part, throughout my romp down the wide road of destruction. It was a pretty cool road, filled with lots of fun and freedom, until it wasn’t. Freedom is never free, ever. For either road you choose there is a price and you either pay it up front or at the gate and let’s not forget the occasional toll you have to pass, and there’s no service road to turn around on!
When I was ten I woke up early one Sunday morning. There were no cartoons on, this was way before cable, so I was stuck watching “religious” shows (add a bit of a sneer to religious) I was only ten! The few times I’d been to church it was boring and long and if I went to Sunday School I felt stupid because all the other boys and girls knew so much more than I did. But, they had a puppet show and I figured it was the next best thing to cartoons. I wish I could tell you what the name of the show was, but that detail is lost to me. I was sitting next to the fireplace with my feet tucked under my legs with my long nightie tucked in as close as I could get it, it was cold downstairs and the brick still had a bit of heat left in it. I didn’t want to get up and lose the warm spot to change the channel after the puppets were done, even though now it was grown-ups spouting off things I didn’t understand or, frankly, care about. But, I listened anyway. He talked about Jesus and God. It was near the end of the program and he beseeched me, beseeched all the viewers to open their hearts to God and let Jesus fill them with the Holy Spirit.
I had prayed before, a child’s prayer. My mother didn’t like “Now I lay me down to sleep,” she never liked the part “If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take,” I prayed a simple prayer each night before bed. I thanked God for something and then I said my “God Blesses” list at least that is what I called it. It went something like this: God bless, Mommy. God bless, Daddy. God bless, Katherine (sometimes I skipped Katherine if I was mad at her) God bless, Aunt Sarah. God bless, Uncle Steve. You get the idea; it was basically a roll call of my family and friends. I was a dutiful child and I had gone to church often enough to know that when the minister said, “Pray” you put your head down and prayed. Normally, I put my head down, waited a few seconds and snuck a peak to make sure everyone else way not looking and then I’d look at all the hats that were in the congregation, sometimes I’d count them.
This time there was no one to see me not pray, but I did it anyway. I didn’t just bow my head and think about hats or what was coming on TV next, I prayed and I prayed really really hard. I so wanted the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and fill it with light. I wanted what that man had; I knew he had something I didn’t. He was done with his prayer, but I didn’t feel anything so I gave it one more try – I begged with all of my little body that the Holy Spirit enter me and fill me, but I felt nothing. I got up from my warm cocoon and found something to eat for breakfast. For the longest time, I just thought it didn’t take, boy was I wrong. Of course, this is said in hindsight.
Soon after that, my family and I started going to church on a pretty regular basis, I was raised an Episcopalian. I still counted hats, Easter service was great for that, lots of hats on lots of women I had never seen before and wouldn’t see again until Christmas. My church didn’t actually read or study the Bible; there were two very short readings during the service. I participated in the services, I carried the cross, I lit the candles, and I even read from the Bible to the congregation when the Youth Group did a service. I made our minister angry when I asked hard questions during our Confirmation classes, so I doodled spider webs on my worksheets. To this day, I can draw a pretty cool spider web.
I grew my stunted branches and roots. I seemed to always be searching for that light. I thought I gave up on God, but He never gave up on me. Time and time again he proved he was with me, but I refused to see, I refused to hear and on the few occasions that I did see or did listen, I did turn my back on Him in order to join the many that were cavorting on the wide road. When things got too scary, when they got too bad, I did pray to Him. The light was always with me, I just ignored it because I wasn’t willing to pay the price of committing my life to Jesus – I was still worldly. The wide road was the wild road and a whole lot more fun.
Jesus said you don’t put a light under a bowl in Matt 5:15, He says you put it on a stand so it may give light to all in the house. The other problem with putting it under a bowl is eventually it will go out; you have to feed the flame of faith.
1 Corinthians 3:1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly.
It took the church in Corinth awhile to grow up, and apparently they stayed baby Christians for awhile, comforting isn’t it? Yes, we have the Bible and they didn’t, but they had firsthand accounts of Jesus and they had problems growing up! We stumble, we fall and we stagnate in our journey but the Lord provides us milk and our faith keeps burning even though we stubbornly stick it under a bowl when it is inconvenient. But, eventually, we have to cut our teeth and as anyone who has been around a teething baby knows, it hurts!
Here’s an interesting thought, humans cut two sets of teeth. About one in two thousand infants are born with teeth, most get them in four the seven months and a few don’t get their first until they are a year or more. It averages three years for a baby to get a full set of pearly whites. Even after the first ones come in, a baby has to get some of the back ones before a he can really eat solid food and even longer before he can eat meat. The last teeth we get are our wisdom teeth and they can come in as late as age twenty-five. So, Paul is likening the Churches growth to a process that takes a person twenty-five years to complete and causes great discomfort to most people – although some seems to go through it with no problems. Some common symptoms of teething are irritability or fussiness, biting behavior, refusing food and sleep problems. That sounds like my path, what about yours?
When I was ten I woke up early one Sunday morning. There were no cartoons on, this was way before cable, so I was stuck watching “religious” shows (add a bit of a sneer to religious) I was only ten! The few times I’d been to church it was boring and long and if I went to Sunday School I felt stupid because all the other boys and girls knew so much more than I did. But, they had a puppet show and I figured it was the next best thing to cartoons. I wish I could tell you what the name of the show was, but that detail is lost to me. I was sitting next to the fireplace with my feet tucked under my legs with my long nightie tucked in as close as I could get it, it was cold downstairs and the brick still had a bit of heat left in it. I didn’t want to get up and lose the warm spot to change the channel after the puppets were done, even though now it was grown-ups spouting off things I didn’t understand or, frankly, care about. But, I listened anyway. He talked about Jesus and God. It was near the end of the program and he beseeched me, beseeched all the viewers to open their hearts to God and let Jesus fill them with the Holy Spirit.
I had prayed before, a child’s prayer. My mother didn’t like “Now I lay me down to sleep,” she never liked the part “If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take,” I prayed a simple prayer each night before bed. I thanked God for something and then I said my “God Blesses” list at least that is what I called it. It went something like this: God bless, Mommy. God bless, Daddy. God bless, Katherine (sometimes I skipped Katherine if I was mad at her) God bless, Aunt Sarah. God bless, Uncle Steve. You get the idea; it was basically a roll call of my family and friends. I was a dutiful child and I had gone to church often enough to know that when the minister said, “Pray” you put your head down and prayed. Normally, I put my head down, waited a few seconds and snuck a peak to make sure everyone else way not looking and then I’d look at all the hats that were in the congregation, sometimes I’d count them.
This time there was no one to see me not pray, but I did it anyway. I didn’t just bow my head and think about hats or what was coming on TV next, I prayed and I prayed really really hard. I so wanted the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and fill it with light. I wanted what that man had; I knew he had something I didn’t. He was done with his prayer, but I didn’t feel anything so I gave it one more try – I begged with all of my little body that the Holy Spirit enter me and fill me, but I felt nothing. I got up from my warm cocoon and found something to eat for breakfast. For the longest time, I just thought it didn’t take, boy was I wrong. Of course, this is said in hindsight.
Soon after that, my family and I started going to church on a pretty regular basis, I was raised an Episcopalian. I still counted hats, Easter service was great for that, lots of hats on lots of women I had never seen before and wouldn’t see again until Christmas. My church didn’t actually read or study the Bible; there were two very short readings during the service. I participated in the services, I carried the cross, I lit the candles, and I even read from the Bible to the congregation when the Youth Group did a service. I made our minister angry when I asked hard questions during our Confirmation classes, so I doodled spider webs on my worksheets. To this day, I can draw a pretty cool spider web.
I grew my stunted branches and roots. I seemed to always be searching for that light. I thought I gave up on God, but He never gave up on me. Time and time again he proved he was with me, but I refused to see, I refused to hear and on the few occasions that I did see or did listen, I did turn my back on Him in order to join the many that were cavorting on the wide road. When things got too scary, when they got too bad, I did pray to Him. The light was always with me, I just ignored it because I wasn’t willing to pay the price of committing my life to Jesus – I was still worldly. The wide road was the wild road and a whole lot more fun.
Jesus said you don’t put a light under a bowl in Matt 5:15, He says you put it on a stand so it may give light to all in the house. The other problem with putting it under a bowl is eventually it will go out; you have to feed the flame of faith.
1 Corinthians 3:1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly.
It took the church in Corinth awhile to grow up, and apparently they stayed baby Christians for awhile, comforting isn’t it? Yes, we have the Bible and they didn’t, but they had firsthand accounts of Jesus and they had problems growing up! We stumble, we fall and we stagnate in our journey but the Lord provides us milk and our faith keeps burning even though we stubbornly stick it under a bowl when it is inconvenient. But, eventually, we have to cut our teeth and as anyone who has been around a teething baby knows, it hurts!
Here’s an interesting thought, humans cut two sets of teeth. About one in two thousand infants are born with teeth, most get them in four the seven months and a few don’t get their first until they are a year or more. It averages three years for a baby to get a full set of pearly whites. Even after the first ones come in, a baby has to get some of the back ones before a he can really eat solid food and even longer before he can eat meat. The last teeth we get are our wisdom teeth and they can come in as late as age twenty-five. So, Paul is likening the Churches growth to a process that takes a person twenty-five years to complete and causes great discomfort to most people – although some seems to go through it with no problems. Some common symptoms of teething are irritability or fussiness, biting behavior, refusing food and sleep problems. That sounds like my path, what about yours?
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